Friday 9 December 2011

Crazy Goat Films

This is just an idea for our company logo, when it's going to be a horror movie, but at the same time it's sort of humorous,


Tuesday 6 December 2011

First day of filming

We Started filming our movie opening on the 5th of December, we have probably filmed around 30 seconds of proper footage we will use.
The first thing we filmed was the part right at the end, because it was the easiest part and would be easy to do than start from the beginning.

Group change

I have moved groups in media studies, due to some problems with my former group, I am now in a group with Toby and Dom.
We started to film our film on the 5th of December 2011 we will need a couple more days to film the rest of the film opening.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Prelim Main Idea

The main idea for my preliminary task is called 'RUN!', it is a horror movie based on a murderer that got released from prison and once he sets out from being released he tries to find the officers that got him locked up. His plan is to take down the officers one by one and give them a horrible torturous death. In the movie trailer you will have a point of view (POV) shot all the way through, running through a small suburb and you will hear the loud heavy breathing of the murderer when you see through his eyes running. You will then see a faint silhouette of someone in front of him and you will see that person start running. This is how he got caught in the first place, because he is running from a place that he had just committed a murder and the person he is chasing is someone that witnessed it and is running away from the murderer as he has called the police. After a 20 second chase you will start hearing sirens, and the screen will go black and 'RUN!' will fade up on the screen while the sirens get louder and the murderer is caught.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Hangover

The movie starts off by showing the 'Warner Brothers' logo and the 'Legendary Pictures' logo. During the 'Legendary Pictures' short clip the music for the film start, it seems a cheery song and a feel good song which can suggest that everything will be happy and everything will work out fine. It shows people setting up for some sort of event, which happens to be a wedding. While the music is on in the background there are some panning shots, low shots and establishing shots, then you here some non-dietetic sounds, this is someone ringing up the main characters in the movie and when this happens it goes to answer phone after the phone rings, which suggests the characters are in trouble or something bad has happened.
Phil (Bradley Cooper) then rings back because he is the only one with a phone, when he picks up you see him battered and bruised, he has scratches on his neck from some type of animal and dirt all on his clothes, in the background of Phil there is three other characters sitting on the car or standing next to it, you don't get to see who its is though. But the main focus is on Phil, the characters behind are blurred, which means he is going to be one of the main characters. When he says they had lost the groom the bride panics down the phone and you do not see the end of the conversation. Phil then looks up to the sky the camera follows and goes White, then flashes 'The Hangover' in bold red writing, to do with blood and passion to find their friend and get back in time for the wedding.
After this the titles role, and another song start which is a bit more serious, they then have lots of long shots, panning shots and establishing shots to show Las Vegas, all the sights you can see are in the titles, like the grand canyon, most of the big hotels, fountains and more wonders of Las Vegas.
In the titles it shows the actors, main casting crew, costume designers, music producers, co-producers, editors, production crew, executive directors, main producers, writers and the director.
The last thing in the titles is a high establishing shot looking over Las Vegas and seeing the sun set, and then Movie starts.

Director and Producer= Todd Phillips

Thursday 29 September 2011

Horror Film Opening Plot

Five boys have just finished their A levels and want to go out partying and have a lads weekend together, they are going to be meeting a load of their other mates up there because they missed the train before. The group are heading up to London and planning to go to as many clubs as they can. The boys train leaves at 10:25pm, but this train gets delayed, is this a sign? When the train arrives, it arrives with the lights off, the lights come on after about 5 seconds of the train being stationary, and then the doors don't open for a short amount of time, which also is another sign but the boys choose to ignore these signs, which is the wrong decision...


 Paramount_logo.jpgParamount Pictures Corporation is an American film production and distribution company, located at 5555 Melrose Avenue in Hollywood. Founded in 1912 and currently owned by media conglomerate Viacom, it is America's oldest existing film studio; it is also the last major film studio still headquartered in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles. Paramount is consistently ranked as one of the top-grossing movie studios.

They have made many films like, all the Jackass films, Shutter Island, School of Rock, Watchmen, Cloverfield, Transformers, and hundreds more.  

Monday 19 September 2011

Match on action shot, 180 rule, Shot reverse shot.

  • Match on action (or cutting on action) is an editing technique for continuity editing in when one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot.
  • The action carrying through creates a “visual bridge” which draws the viewer’s attention away from slight cutting or continuity issues.
  • The 180° rule is a filming guideline that participants in a scene should have the same left-right relationship to each other, with filming only taking place within the 180° angle in which this is maintained in a conversation.
  • Shot reverse shot is a continuity editing technique used in conversations or simply characters looking at each other or objects.


Suspense is a feeling of uncertainty and anxeity about the outcome of certain actions, most often referring to an audience's perceptions in a dramatic work. Suspense is not exclusive to fiction, though. Suspense may operate in any situation where there is a lead-up to a big event or dramatic moment, with tension being a primary emotion felt as part of the situation.

You usually have suspence in in thriller movies and horror movies, and it creates a certain atmosphere, when everyone is quiet and all of a sudden something will jump out, or explode, anything that will make the audience jump. You also associate suspense with adrenaline.

Conventions of a Horror/Thriller movie.

Usually horror films are set in small communities or isolated places, you can use urban areas, dark streets and small alleyways, also you could have it in a large city or town, it would help if the city is run down and has no inhabitants. other good key locations for a horror film; lakes, asylums, shopping centre, farm land, underground train routes, graveyard, isolated houses etc. 

Different camera shots are very important in horror films, POV shot is very effective on camera and can put you in the shoes of the character that you are following. they can be used to draw attention to the fact that the person is in danger or about to get killed, being killed in a POV shot is where it works at its fullest. Close ups are also very important in horror and thrillers, because they can show emotions that the character is showing in great detail. 

Most of characters stay the same in these types of movies, you have one character which is the main character, sometimes there will be two, they stay alive until the end and survive against all the odds that are against them. Then the villain that is either leading them into traps or trying to kill the main character most of the time they don't succeed.
The stupid/immoral teenagers that always get killed.
Creepy children.
Police Officers that can either be good or bad.
And many more: Ghosts, Zombies, Demons, Psychopath, Stalker, Weirdo, Werewolf, cheerleader and the list goes on.

Monday 12 September 2011


For my preliminary task I will be doing it by myself because the person I was planning to do it with, has changed courses. I think it will be harder but easy at the same time doing it by myself, it will allow me to make my own decisions and not have to have any set backs by asking people I'm working with what i want to do, but then I will have to do all of the work by myself which might be overwhelming. The editing will probably be the part which I wish i had some help with because it might be a lengthy process.