Saturday 15 October 2011

Prelim Main Idea

The main idea for my preliminary task is called 'RUN!', it is a horror movie based on a murderer that got released from prison and once he sets out from being released he tries to find the officers that got him locked up. His plan is to take down the officers one by one and give them a horrible torturous death. In the movie trailer you will have a point of view (POV) shot all the way through, running through a small suburb and you will hear the loud heavy breathing of the murderer when you see through his eyes running. You will then see a faint silhouette of someone in front of him and you will see that person start running. This is how he got caught in the first place, because he is running from a place that he had just committed a murder and the person he is chasing is someone that witnessed it and is running away from the murderer as he has called the police. After a 20 second chase you will start hearing sirens, and the screen will go black and 'RUN!' will fade up on the screen while the sirens get louder and the murderer is caught.