Sunday 19 February 2012

Filming 3

This was the final day of filming we hoped because we only needed to do the last scene which was the killing scene. We were worried that we might have had to do it on two different days if it took to long to film. As we did it after school it was dark which made it very effective. When we have the shot of Harri walking up the stairs the tension builds so much more, this is due to the music we had playing in the background stopped as she went inside up the stairs, and all you can hear are her footsteps and her breathing, this builds the tension a lot. The killing proved to be quite hard but we had some ideas to make it look very effective. We didn't actually show it full on we filmed it from behind so you can hear a scream and you can see the murders arm move slowly across her neck to suggest that he has cut her throat. It then its to a shot of Harri on the floor dead with the fake blood over her neck which looked so effective and realistic.